Use interlibrary loan to request titles not owned by Wichita Public Library. We will also honor requests for titles we own that are lost, missing, or overdue by more than 2 weeks.
You can use the Library's online catalog to search for and request most items.
The best way to request a newspaper or magazine article, microfilm, or a specific volume of a multi-part or multi-year publication is to complete an Interlibrary Loan form.
It is not possible to borrow electronic resources such as e-books through interlibrary loan.
Interlibrary loan is excellent for:
- Articles and books from academic or specialty publishers
- Older titles and formats, such as VHS or audio cassettes
- Recent or popular titles not on current bestseller lists
- Documentary films
More competition exists for the following and it becomes more difficult to obtain:
- Television shows
- All forms of popular music
- Movies on Blu-ray
- Books on CD or Playaways
- New releases in movies, music and books
- Current bestsellers